I really wanted to try and capture different shots of bullets. So, my Uncle Mike asked someone at work if we could borrow them for me capture and luckily he said yes. He have a large range of different size and types. My idea was to use my lens baby to give the effect of the bullet being fired and traveling but unfortunately it wasn't successful as I imagined it. So, instead I used my 24mm to 105mm to soon in on the bullet.

Near my friends University there are fraternity houses. Again we done have fraternity houses in the UK so it was something new to me. I captured the image to show the signs for the house. I'm not too sure what they mean though, I asked someone and she was unsure as well.
Fraternity House

In America they have garage sales its the equivalent to car boots but instead in their own garage. The entrance to the colder sack would have a sign out and when driving around the houses they would tie balloons to there letterboxes so people would know that they have a garage sale.
Garage Sale sign

Local neighbour having a garage sale

Later that day we went to church again for the last time. As we were going into the lecture theater for church there was a sign outside saying "This service is PG13". The topic of the service was about sex. I thought that in the UK, the church's would never talk about sex. After church we headed to a shop called "Dicks" where they sell different types of sports clothing and accessories. Again, something I would never see at home is an area selling guns and ammunition in a sports shop but because hunting is a sport in America it is normal to sell products to be used for hunting.
Gun area in sports shop